Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Blame It On Rio 2016!

The Olympics are over and I have to say that I'm grieving the loss a bit. It was an emotional ride that I would take again and again. The triumph, the defeat, the pride, the patriotism, the comraderie, the talent, the commitment, the determination, the laser-sharp focus...I could go on and on. I know there were a few blemishes, but don't let the media attention to those moments overshadow the big picture of what an amazing ritual-filled coming together the Olympics are to the whole world.  This is the kind of thing kids should be allowed to watch for hours (with parental editorials, of course!) I hope you shed a few tears like I did (ok, more than a few!) and were inspired to push yourselves a little further than you might have before.  Feel free to share your favorite events, moments, or any Olympics related thoughts with us!

Wishing you balance,

Bette Levy Alkazian, LMFT

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